Auto Finesse Glide Clay Lube zoom

Auto Finesse Glide Clay Lube

Rs. 794 Including GST
Rs. 672.88 Excluding GST
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Auto Finesse
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Auto Finesse Glide Clay Lube

Auto Finesse Glide (GLD500) is a dedicated Clay Lube made to aid the claying stage by reducing the risk of scratching or marring of your paintwork finish during this process. It effectively helps the clay bar move, stopping it from sticking; which is what causes marring.

For those who maybe clay just there own cars once or twice a year this is the ideal clay lubricant. Auto Finesse Glide is a very slick solution that help prevent marring during the decontamination stage, and it smells like bubblegum, what more could you ask for?



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